PDF-XChange Editor SDK Cost Benefit Information

Understanding Editor SDK pricing and cost benefits of the Editor SDK`s license model

The scope of the Editor SDK is intended for the needs and requirements of a more advanced end user and a more advanced application being created by developers with high volume user base. If providing Basic PDF Viewing, Standard Annotations and Document manipulation is all developer applications require than by all means the Viewer Pro SDK is probably a great fit for a lot of developers.

The Editor SDK includes both the new ActiveX and Core API SDK library options (accessing many of the features previously only available in the PDF-Tools SDK like programmatic fill-able PDF forms creation), a Plugins SDK module for creating plugins for developer's custom applications as well that can be employed with our licensed End-user Editor product. Programmatically customizable toolbars, buttons, and menu items and many 1000's of new objects, properties and methods all engineered in object oriented libraries rather than the flat C style function libraries and a good deal more ;


2) Cost of development, the Editor SDK has 5+ years of development a huge man hour and $ investment which must be recovered...

3) Buy-in prices - The smallest PDF-XChange Editor SDK license is a 50,000 CDLP license for $4995.00 USD ($0.10/seat) while the PDF-XChange Viewer PRO SDK is 25,000 CDLP for $3449.00 USD ($0.14/seat) so the buy in per seat cost is considerably less than the Viewer Pro SDK is priced - and less if you are a licensed 25K+ CDLP Viewer SDK owner with current maintenance...

4) Maintenance prices - Again you need to consider the per seat volume and maintenance amortization when determining the cost benefits.

PDF-XChange Viewer Pro SDK 25,000 CDLP Renewal Term 1 year: $862.25 ($0.034/seat) 2 year: $1293.38 ($0.025/seat per annum)

PDF-XChange Editor SDK 50,000 CDLP Renewal Term 1 year: $1248.75 ($0.025/seat) 2 year: $1873.13 ($0.0375/seat per annum)

5) Developers that have active maintenance on their Viewer ActiveX or Viewer PRO SDK licenses, (Not Viewer Simple DLL SDK), qualify for a discount equal to 100% of the current value of their existing Viewer SDK license towards the Editor SDK licenses, no matter how long ago you purchased the Viewer SDK if there is active maintenance you get 100% of your Viewer license value taken off the Editor SDK upgrade.

So Upgrading from the Viewer Pro SDK 25,000 CDLP to the Editor SDK, with active maintenance is $4995.00 - $3449.00 = $1546.00 and your distribution volume doubles.

Developers with 100,000 CDLP Viewer PRO SDK licenses and active maintenance can upgrade to the Editor SDK 100,000 CDLP license for $8995.00 - $6999.00 = $1996.00 USD

If your needs and user volumes are modest - then the Editor SDK could be an option that is beyond your budget - but if your application needs are more advanced and you have a reasonable client base for distribution - there is NO alternative SDK that offers such a flexible, advanced set of options for anything like the price per seat available - we are confident it offers an outstanding value for money proposition for any developer with serious ambitions addressing the use of PDF files - from any provider - anywhere in the market today !

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