Add a Download link for PDF-XChange Editor to Your Website

Would you like to help promote usage of PDF-XChange Editor?

Add the following code to your web site to help spread the word about PDF-XChange's very popular free PDF Editor and annotator. 

This button links to the PDF-XChange Editor download page:

Get PDF Viewer

Cut and paste the following code into your web page to use this button:

<a href="" _fcksavedurl=""> <img src="" _fcksavedurl="" alt="Get PDF Editor" title="Get PDF Editor" border="0"><br /> </a>

This button links directly to the PDF-XChange Editor download:

Get PDF Viewer

Cut and paste the following code into your web page to use this button:

<a href="" _fcksavedurl=""> <img src="" _fcksavedurl="" alt="Get PDF Editor" title="Get PDF Editor" border="0"><br /> </a>

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