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in Ukraine

Our products

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Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application.

A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files.

Our virtual printer that prints-to-PDF and creates fully compatible, text-searchable PDF files from most Windows applications.

PDF-XChange Editor Plus, PDF-Tools and the PDF-XChange Standard virtual printer in one discount bundle.

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We are proud to number amongst our clients some of the world's largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients, both large and small, are equally important to us. Many software companies also rely on our PDF technology for the 'under the hood' creation, manipulation and displaying of PDF files when you use their software products.

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Customer Testimonials

Happy Clients

Feedback from Jürgen Deutschbein

Diese PDF-Software ist einer der besten die kenne und ich habe einige Anbieter von PDF-Software ausprobiert. Das Konzept im allgemeinen und die Integration in Windows und Office sind sehr gut umgesetzt. Die Einarbeitungszeit ist kurz und man kann effektiv PDFs erstellen und bearbeiten . Der PDF-Druckertreiber ist das perfekte Werkzeug, wenn man viel mit Druckereien zu tun hat. Es gab noch nie Beanstandungen - alle erstellten Dokumente waren tadellos...

Jürgen Deutschbein
Feedback from Viktor Filippov

I have to confess... I use PDF-XChange Editor for a long time. And now I can enjoy a legally bought copy of it! Most of all I like how easily you can make small changes in most of the PDF files with no conversion back and forth. Sometimes I even use it as a simple vector graphics editor! Some days ago I tried OCR functionality. And to my big surprise, PDF-XChange Editor did it well despite the fact that the document was in Russian...

Viktor Filippov
Feedback from David

This whole product is amazingly GREAT news!

I have been playing with the typewriter mode AND it's impressive. I have a
friend that must complete a PDF - Request for entry visa to Mozambique -
and the original PDF IS NOT designed to enter text comments, BUT with
Typewriter Mode, not a problem.

Save a work in progress - filling in parts of the form, then having to do
some research to fill in more of the form, saving and reopening! NOT...

North America

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