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in Ukraine

Our products

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Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application.

A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files.

Our virtual printer that prints-to-PDF and creates fully compatible, text-searchable PDF files from most Windows applications.

PDF-XChange Editor Plus, PDF-Tools and the PDF-XChange Standard virtual printer in one discount bundle.

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Our clients

We are proud to number amongst our clients some of the world's largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients, both large and small, are equally important to us. Many software companies also rely on our PDF technology for the 'under the hood' creation, manipulation and displaying of PDF files when you use their software products.

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Customer Testimonials

Happy Clients

Feedback from Meng Lim

I have used PDF-XChange Editor in the demo mode for years and have liked it as it very much resembles Adobe Acrobat in functions. I finally purchased a licence as I like the ability to create dynamic stamps, a whole lot easier than Acrobat. No need to learn Java script. The licenced version also unlocks all the nice features like splitting a file, combining multiple files to create a single file. And the price is very affordable compared to Adobe Acrobat. You actually purchase a perpetual licence...

Meng Lim
Feedback from Brian Coetzee

Thank you all, for an absolutely fantastic ap. So incredibly logical and user friendly. The best there is. I’m so happy there is something out there that actually works, even when compared to bloated commercial stuff...

Brian Coetzee
Feedback from Loic Bernot

Très bel outil que j'utilise depuis plusieurs années désormais, qui me sauve beaucoup de temps au quotidien et agréable à utiliser. Également une très belle dynamique d'amélioration continue très appréciée ! Continuez ainsi !..

Loic Bernot

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