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Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application.

A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files.

Our virtual printer that prints-to-PDF and creates fully compatible, text-searchable PDF files from most Windows applications.

PDF-XChange Editor Plus, PDF-Tools and the PDF-XChange Standard virtual printer in one discount bundle.

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We are proud to number amongst our clients some of the world's largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients, both large and small, are equally important to us. Many software companies also rely on our PDF technology for the 'under the hood' creation, manipulation and displaying of PDF files when you use their software products.

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Customer Testimonials

Happy Clients

Feedback from Benny

In running Server 2008 x64 (modified to workstation) on Q9450, im in constant search of 64 bit software to replace old 32 bit tech and utilize my system more.
Well this is the only 64 bit PDF viewer and boy its fast, I compared it to latest Adobe reader 9 (tweaked with no plug-ins) and Foxit reader 2.3, what I did is simple took 300 page 70mb pdf and scrolled from first page to lowest ads fast as possible.
The only software witch did it SMOOTH in seconds was PDF-Viewer, I was AMAZED.

Feedback from Justin C. Missouri

This is a fantastic product at any price, but especially amazing considering the low cost as compared to other similar functioning pdf editors. The interface is clean, pretty and easy to use. It is extremely intuitive and has virtually no learning curve. It fit a very specific niche for me (I needed a fully functional pdf editor that could operate without limitations within an Internet Explorer extension) and did so brilliantly, but even as a stand alone product it is head and shoulders above the...

Justin C. Missouri
Feedback from Bob Parham


I would like to say that your PDF-XChange Viewer is a great software program and I have made it my default viewer. I don’t require a fraction of its many capabilities but it is really fast.

However, as good as it is, what really impresses me more is the support furnished by your developers and support people.

I am writing a book using Scribus which is an open source, free, Desktop Publishing Program that produces...

Bob Parham
Palmetto, Georgia, USA

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